Journey Hotspotting
You might have a customer journey mapped out already, and you might even have a more sophisticated one that reflects the variety of ways that a customer can experience your service. We build upon wherever you are (or build from scratch if that's necessary) and map where your organization's key strengths can be most leveraged to enhance the customer journey – the Hotspots. Then we design interventions that take advantage of your strengths to address those targeted areas.
Experience Experiments
Most services need continual refreshing to keep pace with customer expectations. This is a quick hit audit of the customer experience to identify a set of short-term opportunities for service enhancements. Once we identify the right areas for interventions, we envision one or more service enhancements to address the opportunities. We frame these as a set of experiments, and working closely with your operations team, launch one or more market tests to validate and refine the service concepts.
Alternate Service Futures Snapshot
In this accelerated environment of constant change, every organization needs to be prepared to evolve their service model as the world around them changes. We start by considering with you which assumptions about today’s world that ground your service are at risk of being disrupted. We look at associated trends and analogous services to help inspire a collaborative ideation session. Then we bring two or more alternate Service Futures to life with service concepts and scenarios, allowing us to look back at your service to evaluate the implications for future planning and experiments.
Value Network Mining
Service economies are reassembling themselves into new structures more than ever. Here we work with you to examine the larger ecosystem around your service and look for new ways to offer value to your customers through partnerships. We identify a potential set of partner types and envision how they would help enhance your service and broaden the relationships you have with your current or new customers.
Service Design Training and Coaching
Service organizations that need to continuously evolve their service to meet the changing needs of the marketplace have an internal team equipped with the latest Service Design methods. We work with your best people to teach them moods such as how to develop a great value proposition, creating a service blueprint, and designing service experiments to test our new concepts with customers.